3rd gold in a row at ROSPA awards
For the third year running, Atlas Workplace Services has struck gold at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) Health and Safety Awards. The largest occupational health and safety awards programme in the UK is now into its 67th year, with almost 2,000 entries every year.
Atlas Workplace Services specialises in facilities management and engineering maintenance. The company has developed an internal proactive safety culture that is central to its operating processes.
With a hat-trick of golds, this recognises Atlas' commitment to continuous improvement in the prevention of accidents and ill health at work. The awards committee looks at entrants’ overarching health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.
Atlas Workplace Services managing director Andrew Lunt praised the hard work of the team in achieving this accolade:
"Great work, well done everyone. This is great recognition for all the hard work that has gone into the health and safety culture and behavioural safety work in Atlas Workplace Services, for the benefit of both our own people and our customers."
Julia Small, RoSPA’s Achievements Director, said:
“Accidents at work and work-related ill health don’t just have huge financial implications or cause major disruption – they significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. That’s why good safety performance deserves to be recognised and rewarded. We are thrilled that Atlas Workplace Services has won a RoSPA Award and would like to congratulate them on showing an unwavering commitment to keeping their employees, clients and customers safe from accidental harm and injury.”