Fortress for quality service

Since 2014, Atlas Workplace Services has delivered facilities services to Fortress Investment Group at its central London headquarters. Our contract includes a high-quality office cleaning service, alongside mechanical and electrical engineering maintenance, waste management and janitorial services.

To ensure our service is befitting of a global investment group, we developed a process-engineered cleaning solution. It takes into account the uniqueness of the headquarters, the cleaning requirements of our client’s staff and the extended working hours performed at site. It benefited the client with savings more than 17% since contract commencement.

As Fortress hosts a wide range of international VIP customers, it is imperative that we deliver a robust and carefully designed daily janitorial regime. Therefore, we developed a process-engineered regime where the core focus of our janitors and cleaners is on serving Fortress’s staff and customers with clean and aesthetically pleasing areas and meeting rooms.

Always making a great first impression is a core objective. We have trained each member of staff in WorldHost-accredited customer service skills. They are professional, polite and customer-focused at all times – proudly supporting our client’s excellent reputation in market.